(or how I got from the Pentagon to Orlando, Florida)
This is the part of the website where I tell you that I got my first paintbrush at 3 and sold my first artwork by the age of 9. Not quite! I didn’t even have an Atari until I was 10 (I think).

My career started as an officer in the Air Force in 1993, stationed at the Pentagon. I mostly did programming work, as the web had just started. One of the skills I picked up during that time was Photoshop. Version 3 was just released (layers!), and I was hooked.
In 2002 we moved to beautiful Austin, Texas. A few years later I took up photography as a way to get outside of an office. As it turns out, I’m not a big fan of fluorescent lighting. You probably aren’t either.
I started with portraits and learned some incredible stories of the people I photographed. I worked for magazines, companies, and families creating fun, stylized imagery.

Around 2013, I started creating my own paintings. I found a lot of fun in telling stories with this new medium.
Fast forward to 2020, and we now find ourselves getting settled in Orlando, Florida. The heat is the same to me as Texas, really. I've enjoyed continuing my creative work here along with meeting a whole new bunch of friends and collaborators.
To me, it’s the ultimate culmination of all of my interests and knowledge. It’s the next step in a journey that started for me in grade school when I first started to draw, and I thank you for being a part of it! Feel free to connect with me online here, or via any of the social media sites below. I would love to hear what you think of the work and to learn something about you!