We recently enjoyed the most amazing weekend. Earlier this year, a few of us wondered if we could pull off a wine tasting/special event weekend at Skywalker Ranch/Vineyard in California. Until now, Skywalker had only done corporate retreat events at their facility. This was their first-ever private social event.
With a ton of hard work, passion, and love for all things wine and Skywalker, our little group pulled it off! We organized a one-night stay there for about 45 couples, complete with wine tastings, film screenings in 2 of their theaters, amazing food, and more!
We went with a tiki theme, so everyone took their favorite George Lucas film and added some tiki flair as a costume for the dinner. We even came up with our own custom tiki drink for the night, complete with an audio backstory and images of our little droid!

I created name tags for everyone, plus a special Skywalker Ranch image of the birds in San Francisco. We gave everyone an 18”x24” canvas of that image as a special gift (the original sold pretty quickly). The display version I had there ended up on the wall in one of the offices, so now I can say that I officially have art hanging at Skywalker Ranch!

Thanks to everyone who helped put this special event together - it truly was a dream come true for all of us! Here are some photos: